
Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modelling

This Perspective details those disconnects by describing the work of a member of each community and proposes near- and long-term interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary activities among the energy and climate modelling communities to overcome them.

Round table discussion of Weather Impact report during webinar

Weather Impact heeft onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de wisselwerking tussen weer- en klimaatmodellen en de energietransitie. In deze studie zijn de behoeften en vragen van de energiesector op het gebied van meteorologie en klimaat geïnventariseerd en is de relevante kennis in het meteorologische vakgebied in kaart gebracht.

Linking unserved energy to weather regimes

Some weather regimes have been shown to have an impact on the availability of renewables. At the same time these events could be no issue for the European power system when other sources are available. We’ve combined synchronous meteorological inputs …


Next Generation Challenges in Energy-Climate modelling